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Frequently Asked Questions about T-Shirts

What can we tell us about your brilliant partners, Valentine Thomas and Ola Vola? 

Activist and professional spearfisher, Valentine Thomas has collaborated with us on our Coastal Leggings and Sea la Vie T-Shirt. The Sea la Vie T-Shirt also features a custom print from internationally renowned mural artist Olo Vola. On the t-shirt you’ll find a gorgeous design of a mermaid, representing our power and beauty.


Why do I need the RB T-shirt?

It’s the perfect t-shirt! Made from organic cotton, it’s super soft and great for the planet. Plus, it goes with just about anything. You can wear it straight up or tuck it in at the waist. It’s great for exercise, hiking, and catching up with friends over drinks.


Discover your divine feminine archetype

Let your insides match your outsides with our Divine Feminine Tunics. Tap into your divine essence and uncover your inner power as you celebrate both your strength and fragility. Our four models include the Visionary, Guardian, Revolutionary, and Sovereign.